
[Walnuts Effects] Summary of benefits and side effects of walnuts

Walnuts are known to support brain health, heart health, skin health, anti-cancer properties, weight control, diabetes prevention, and aid digestion. First off, walnuts are great for brain health. Walnuts are so similar to the brain that they are called brain food. Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help improve brain cell function and reduce inflammation. This can help prevent dementia and improve memory.

Benefits of Coconut Oil: A Closer Look at the Essential Ingredient

Benefits of Coconut Oil: A Closer Look at the Essential Ingredient

Since coconut oil is known to be the best oil on earth, it has various effects on our body, including skin and diet. Many people use coconut oil because it is used as a food ingredient and as a moisturizer. One of the representative benefits of coconut oil is weight loss. Coconut oil is a healthy oil with no trans fat or cholesterol, and no sodium or sugar. When taken before a meal, it increases satiety and helps prevent overeating, making it effective for dieting. In addition, the medium-chain fatty acids abundant in coconut oil move to the liver upon ingestion and are used as an energy source, burning calories, so consuming it regularly helps eliminate excess fat.

Silk tree fruit

Silk tree fruit and silkworm tree benefits

Let’s learn about silkworm fruit and its benefits. The silkworm tree grows to about 5m in size when it becomes an adult tree, and grows in mountains and fields. The leaves are alternate, pinnate, long oval shaped, and have smooth edges. The silkworm tree blooms around June and usually grows in umbels at the ends of branches. The stamens are long and light red, known as red stamens.


Macadamia’s benefits (heart, health, skin, etc.) and side effects

Macadamia is mainly produced in Australia and is known as the fruit of the macadamia tree. This fruit is round and about 2 to 2.5 cm in size, and the skin is very hard and requires the use of tools. The fruit is protein, flavorful, and known to contain a lot of fat. Macadamia nuts, previously unnoticed, have been cultivated and are now produced in large quantities. It is known as a major producer not only in Australia but also in Brazil, the United States, New Zealand, and Colombia.

[Benefits of blue crab] Know the effects of blue crab and eat it / Calorie content

[Benefits of blue crab] Know the effects of blue crab and eat it / Calorie content

Blue crabs are crustaceans belonging to the crab family, and are especially abundant in the West Sea. Because of its excellent taste and nutrition, it is also called the energy supplement of the sea. Recently, a lot of blue crabs have been produced in Italy, which is said to be a problem, but I think we will be able to import them soon. So, since the price will be cheaper, I think I will be able to eat a lot.

Eggplant’s 6 Best Nutrients Side Effects / Effect on Inflammation

Eggplant’s 6 Best Nutrients Side Effects / Effect on Inflammation

I would like to inform you about the benefits and side effects of eggplant. Now let’s learn about eggplant. Garlic is one of the most eaten vegetables and has various nutrients and health benefits. First, eggplants are rich in vitamins A, C, E, folic acid, and calcium, which help improve immunity and eye health. Additionally, eggplant peel contains anthocyanin, a powerful antioxidant, which reduces cell damage and helps prevent aging and cancer.