Boiling egg potato soup Making clear soup

Nowadays, there are a lot of soups around, so it seems like houses that need soup have a lot to worry about. If you have potatoes you bought in the summer at home, it’s good because you can easily boil them like this. The moisture from the potatoes has been lost, so it’s not boring and it tastes better. Today, I’m going to boil egg potato soup in anchovy kelp broth. This is the kind of soup that can be eaten for a long time, so it is best to boil it in moderation according to the number of people in your family. These days, a lot of people use coin broth, so I think that would be a good option when you’re busy. The cool taste of the soup from the potatoes themselves is good, so you can enjoy it without having to add any other ingredients. This is a method of making egg potato soup that uses red potatoes with yellow flesh, so it looks good, the soup tastes refreshing, and is good to eat with rice.


  • 2 potatoes
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Half a stem of green onion
  • 1 teaspoon kelp cooking wine
  • 6 cups of water
  • 1 and a half tablespoons of soup soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon fish sauce
  • a little salt
  • A little pepper

Cooking process:

1.Prepare the potatoes by cutting them into fairly flat pieces and chopping the green onions and garlic or simply crushing them.

2.Break the egg and mix well with a little cooking wine.

3. Prepare the broth by adding an appropriate amount of seaweed and kelp and boiling it. Dasibaek contains anchovies, dried pollack, and dried barley shrimp.

4.Add some soy sauce to the broth, and when the broth boils, add the white part of the green onion, garlic, and potatoes and boil.

5.When the potatoes are cooked, add the egg mixture in a thin circular motion. You can add the green onion leaves now.

6.Adjust seasoning with fish sauce and salt and pepper.

7.When the eggs become fluffy, the egg potato soup is complete.

Isn’t it so simple and easy? Just put it in a bowl and you’re done. It’s a potato soup that’s perfect for breakfast and has a neat appeal, although it doesn’t seem like anything special and will revive your appetite when you eat it with warm rice. These days, there are surprisingly many people who do not eat breakfast because they eat dinner late, but they say that skipping breakfast is not a good idea, so it would be a good idea to make it a habit to eat it without fail. It is a breakfast soup that is good to eat with sweet and fluffy potatoes or with fluffy eggs. It’s a non-irritating potato soup, so even if you eat it without rice, it’s much better than eating it on an empty stomach. Boiling the broth is a bit of work, but if you have time, boil it in advance and store it in the refrigerator, so it’s good for busy mornings. I like seaweed soup, so I make seaweed soup well, but I think my family will like it more if I cook it in turns. Households that don’t like soup are most worried about the stew, while houses that love soup like ours are most worried about the soup served every day.

Boiling Egg Potato Soup #Potato Dishes #Egg Dishes #Egg Dishes #How to Boil Korean Potato Soup in October #Egg Potato Soup Recipe

It’s perfect for breakfast soup. I slurped down the rice here and enjoyed it. It’s the perfect potato soup these days, as potatoes that have lost their moisture don’t break down easily and taste better. First of all, it is a soup that has a rich flavor and a refreshing taste that makes you slurp down the soup. It’s non-irritating and refreshing, so it’s perfect for breakfast soup. When you don’t have soup, all you need is potatoes and eggs, so try boiling it in the morning on a busy day. If you don’t have broth, there are many good seasonings available these days. Even if you make it with seasoning, it is still worth eating. Have a nice day today. thank you